Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Study notes on Metaphysical Poetry. Essay Example For Students
Study notes on Metaphysical Poetry. Paper Supernatural Poetry Metaphysical verse emerged as a response to the boundaries of Patriarchies; one issue with Patriarchate sonnets is a sort of consistency the arrogance is found, introduced, explained, yet there are hardly any resulting shocks. Done and his supporters like to find us napping, alter course, and so on , to thwart desires. Magical verse is, all in all, described by its resourcefulness, education, and continuous haziness. Regarding topic, magical reject Patriarchate talk as well as he posture of degraded love of the paramour which consenters had acquired through Patriarch from the troubadours; in its place they put sexual authenticity and an enthusiasm for reflective mental investigation of the feelings of affection and religion (at times communicating the one as far as the other, and now and again really being supernatural in topic as well). These artists demonstrated a propensity for the novel and the stunning, and savored haziness, unpleasant stanza, stressed symbolism, and at their best can be startlingly compelling. We will compose a custom paper on Study notes on Metaphysical Poetry. explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Done set the example by writing in a lingual authority meter doodled on the harsh give-and-take of genuine discourse, and generally sorted out his sonnets in the sensational and explanatory type of a critical or warmed contention (with hesitant fancy woman, barging in companion, God, Death, himself). Utilized an unobtrusive and frequently intentionally ludicrous rationale; practical, amusing, and some of the time pessimistic in his treatment of the intricacy of human thought processes, regardless of whether in issues of adoration or religion. Notoriety decrease in eighteenth nineteenth hundreds of years during which time they were viewed as intriguing however unreasonably quick and dark unconventionalities. Large upsurge in the twentieth uh to the positive press from any semblance of T. S. Eliot and Dylan Thomas. Powerful Conceit->a profoundly smart sort of arrogance broadly utilized by the otherworldly writers, who investigated all subject matters to discover, in the startlingly obscure or the incredibly ordinary, telling and abnormal analogies for their thoughts. Mystical prides regularly misuse verbal rationale to the point of the twisted and in some cases accomplish such unrestrained turns on implying that they become foolish (e. G. Richard Crashers portrayal of Mary Magdalene eyes as Two strolling showers; charm sobbing insufferable and concise seas). These prides work best when the peruser is given an impression of a genuine yet beforehand unsuspected comparability that is illuminating; at that point they may address our brains and feelings with power. Instances of potential otherworldly vanities >love resembles an oil change; love resembles a postage stamp; love resembles a couple of compasses; the spirit of a delinquent resembles a harmed pot. As should be obvious, the impulse to be just shrewd must be difficult to oppose, while the trouble in making such an arrogance really successful is very significant.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Performance Appraisal Notes
A. Clarify the advantages of execution evaluation frameworks inside an association in which you address the accompanying: A1. Present the ideal consequences of a solid and steady and all around conveyed execution evaluation. *If the organization builds up a solid and steady and very much conveyed execution examination, what are the best outcomes the organization can anticipate? (worker planned and friends point of view are acceptable here) Performance evaluations are a device that most organizations use while surveying their employees.A decidedly ready and very much conveyed execution examination can be helpful to both the representative and the organization. The organization benefits from numerous points of view when they convey this kind of execution examination. The presentation evaluation process permits the organization to repeat the objectives that they have, just as change the need of past objectives. Things change constantly and the assessment would be the ideal spot to make this mindful to workers. The organization additionally can utilize these exhibition assessments when they are planning to advance inside the company.When the organization advances from inside it makes an ethical lift to current representatives by telling them that there are chances for development inside the organization. The assessments additionally give the organization a paper trail of documentation for use if legitimate moves are ever made. This will show worthy motivation for the choices made by the organization. These choices could be connected to advancement, end, pay raises, and even horrible showing documentation. It is consistently to the greatest advantage of the organization to keep documentation that will legitimize all decisions.The organization additionally benefits by learning territories of required improvement to help raise profitability and good all through the organization. Representatives will see the faithfulness the organization has towards them when the organ ization puts time and cash into their employee’s improvement. Individual objectives of the workers is another advantage the organization has through execution assessments. The organization can see where the representative needs to be later on, which may reveal a potential administration student that was ignored. Organizations can extraordinarily profit by advancing workers that have individual objectives that match organization goals.The organization isn't the main substance that profits by these presentation examinations. The representative advantages as much as the organization does. The presentation examination process gives every worker an eye to eye meeting with their boss or chief. This is an ideal possibility for the worker to realize precisely what the organization anticipates from them. This allows to clear up any issues or questions that may have been burdening the representative. A solid and steady and all around conveyed execution evaluation will raise the lesson of the worker as well.The representative will realize what explicit things he has progressed nicely, which will empower them to keep them up. The regions that the manager feels needs improvement will be talked about and the two of them can concede to a method of getting the worker all the more preparing. The representative feels increasingly engaged with these choices when the boss takes into account their contribution on choices. This causes the representative to feel the organization has reliability and hence the organization needs to enable the worker to accomplish all their exhibition objectives. The worker likewise benefits by telling the organization their future goals.This will take into account the organization to enable the representative to out in all manners conceivable. For instance, the worker might need to be in an alternate office in the following year. The organization might begin broadly educating the worker in that office, along these lines helping the two gatherin gs arrive at their objectives. This could profit both the organization and the worker by indicating support and potentially raising execution. These consistently booked exhibition examinations will advance better execution through workers information on what is anticipated from them.A2. Suggest pre-evaluation exercises that guarantee they are execution examination forms that are valuable to the worker and the organization. *What occurs before the evaluation? (recommendation: continuous exercises and in the time proximal to the presentation audit) It is critical to set aside a few minutes for pre-evaluation exercises to ensure that the advantages are at max potential. It will hurt the odds of amplifying gains for both the organization and the representative if the accompanying exercises are not done beforehand.The most significant thing with regards to being prepared for the exhibition examination is in effect solid and steady. The director needs to ensure that he puts aside sufficie nt opportunity to play out the pre-evaluation exercises. These exercises incorporate building up a period for the evaluation and relating it to the representative, making a point to spread out all new and old objectives for the worker, giving the representative a development duplicate of the audit, gathering the employee’s survey of themselves, and gathering all notes taken that may approve your focuses and stress your choices just as the lastâ performance appraisal.It is imperative to ensure that the worker has sufficient opportunity to get ready for the examination. This takes into account quality input from them and will likewise prompt quality inquiries. So as to make it the most valuable examination conceivable, at that point the two sides should be solid and steady. Objectives and desires will be totally comprehended if the two gatherings have a thought of what’s expected of them. The representative can have questions prepared for things that they may not compre hend. There might be cases where they can request extra preparing in territories they realize they are more fragile in.The demonstration of giving the representative the development duplicate of the survey will ensure that the worker isn't visually impaired sided and will altogether bring down the measure of protectiveness. The representative will have questions prepared to ask their directors, which will thus make for an all the more compensating examination. The employee’s audit of themselves will likewise tell the chief where the representative sees himself performing. This could thusly prepare the supervisor for a representative that felt he was above desires on everything, except in actuality the administrator seen the complete opposite.This will take into account the chief to set himself up with the fundamental reactions for the potential circumstances or questions. It is likewise significant for the administrator to have all the documentation that underpins his idea or choices. A duplicate of the past evaluation will likewise take into account the administrator to show what qualities and shortcomings the representative may have had in arriving at past objectives. The supervisor will have all the more support and a legitimate paper documentation reason for all choices. A solid and steady evaluation will prompt a more joyful and a progressively gainful gathering between the two parties.A3. Recommend post-examination exercises that guarantee there are execution evaluation forms that are helpful to the representative and the organization. *What occurs after the evaluation? Exercises that happen soon after the presentation audit (meeting) up through 364 days after. The examination is has now been closed and the time has come to ensure that it stays valuable. It is significant that the representative realizes that the administrator will do everything conceivable to ensure the worker can be as well as can be expected. It is presently an ideal opportun ity to actualize the preparation programs that were talked about with the employee.This will show the representative that the organization is putting away the time and cash on them. The organization and the worker will both advantage if the representative arrives at their maximum capacity. Day by day, week by week, or month to month line up gatherings with the worker may likewise be important and advantageous. This will take into account an individual relationship to be framed among supervisor and representative, which will thus give a feeling of trust towards the board. Directors can likewise keep on taking notes on perceptions about what the representative is improving at, or can archive what the worker is by all accounts battling with.This will give the supervisor things to go over when they are having these subsequent gatherings. It is likewise critical to tell the worker that he can go to the administrator on the off chance that they have any inquiries or worries about their ad vancement from the past examination. This will take into consideration the supervisor to give the worker the correct lodging to satisfy their objectives. A4. Show what can turn out badly when giving input. *If you consider the exhibition audit a correspondence circle or discussion, what can turn out badly during this basic criticism period?Illustration implies giving point of interest and particulars. There are a great deal of issues that can turn out badly through the way toward giving input during an exhibition evaluation. An employee’s good can drop essentially if the director invests all his energy telling the worker just the things they foul up. The examination procedure should concentrate on what the worker is doing well and what regions the organization can assist them with improving in. It is significant that the administrator underscores that both the organization and the worker profit by expanding the employee’s performance.The representative ought to have so me contribution on the territories of preparing they have to improve in. This will permit the representative to have a feeling of possession in the preparation procedure. They will be increasingly uncouth to oblige the lodging and preparing programs settled on. Workers may likewise get protective in the event that they feel the supervisor is tossing a terrible execution audit on them. A representative may stroll into an exhibition evaluation thinking they have been working superbly, yet the chief tosses them a bend that proposes they are not performing to the organizations standards.If the worker has no clue what’s coming, at that point they will be inclined to protect themselves so as to not look as awful. There will be a less possibility of the worker concurring with the preparation recommendations for development. Another effect from this situation would be that the feeling of trust between the director and worker could be lost. In this occasion, the worker went in to the gathering thinking a
Impact of the Discovery of the Vaccination
Effect of the Discovery of the Vaccination A significant Discovery in Microbiology Edward Jennerâ Revelation of the immunization Theory: The disclosure of the antibody was critical to the lives of the two people and creatures. There are numerous revelations that are critical to the progression of microbiology as of now today. Smaller scale life forms can't be seen with the unaided eye their revelation was connected to the creation of the magnifying instrument. The main individual to see smaller scale - life forms was a magnifying instrument creator Antoni van Leeuwenhoek in 1964. (Madigan et al 2003) Centuries after that revelation, a man called Edward Jenner found inoculation. He accomplished this by disposing of little pox, thinking back to the eighteen century. In the eighteenth century, this sickness was a deadly ailment that represented 10% of passings. That with the most piece of the malady affecting small kids and the slaughtered 20-half of those that was affected. Also, those that endure was directed to visual deficiency with the little poxs. (Smith 2011) I accept this is the most significant revelation in microbiology to date, and this is the thing that I will expound on in my article. Edward Jenner was a researcher who designed the little pox immunization in 1798. He found that by utilizing a material from cow pox this would keep numerous individuals from getting tainted with little pox. This man began the study of immunology (Smith 2011). Pox infections are the most intricate and biggest infections and can't utilize all alone. By the accomplishment of Edward Jenner, the utilization of this antibody, has killed in the wild and is the principal ailment to be dispense with along these lines. (Madigan et al 2003) Edward Jenner experienced childhood in the open country and this is the place he accomplished his initial investigations of smallpox and first vaccination. This is the place he vaccinated the intensity of the bovine pox. He gathered any data structure the milk house keepers about the sickness, and afterward watched the milk servants for a long time and afterward realized his own analysis by vaccinating a little youngster. This little youngster never had little pox and Jenner vaccinated him with dairy animals pox. The contaminated youngster turned out to be sick, however following a couple of days made a full recuperation with no symptoms (Mc Nally 2001). This little youngster got impervious to this infection since he was presented to the illness, this is called latent insusceptibility. Latent resistance happened here on the grounds that the little youngster was presented to the antigen which was the little pox. Edward Jenner accomplished this when he infused the little youngster with the material of the antigen. The little fellow that Jenner infused procured the contamination and got resistant to the illness. At the point when the malady was brought into the body the insusceptible cells delivered a huge amount of the antigen explicit invulnerable effector particles that caused the insusceptibility. The crowd impact majorly affected the end of the little pox illness, the take-up of huge measure of immunizations into various measures of individuals made the antibody become annihilated. Edward Jenner is supposed to be the dad of insusceptibility, and he accomplished this by forestalling passings during the seventeen century. He was a pioneer to numerous different researchers and exhibited that his vaccinations spared numerous people lives. Numerous years after this a subsequent immunization was found by a researcher called Louis Pasteur needed to depict a similar thought as Edward Jenner just Louis Pasteur would not like to spare the lives of people however the lives of creatures. Louis Pasteur built up an immunization against chicken cholera an ailment that was ending chickens brought about by the microbes Pasteurella multocida. This idea of utilizing a constricted living being for an immunization occurred unintentionally in the lab of Pasteur and his kindred researchers. At the point when he immunized the chickens with the microbes they turned out to be sick and when he infused them in like manner days after this they didnt become sick. (WU X et al 2011). This ind icated there was 75% of the contaminated ailments were zoonotic and this appeared there was an immunization against rabies an illness which was tainting the two people and creatures. At first Pasteur infused a progression of progressively popular arrangements, that contained contaminated spinal line from hare in speculate creature, for the most part hounds that he utilized for his motivation. (Baer et al 2007). During Pasteur s test he expanded the volume of rabies which implied that there was an expansion in the demise of his patients. Upgrades of this test in 1911 by another researcher called Sir David Semple. He delivered an immunization that was created by sheep cerebrum tissue that was initiated a substance that could inactivate all the infection in the antibody. In 1955 an American researcher presented another improvement in the immunization. He took mind tissue from nursing mice. He finished this as he needed to kill the neurological sides impacts of the malady that was worri ed about the myelin in the mind tissue of grown-up mice. (Schneider t al 1994). The measure of myelin was enormously decreased yet there still was symptoms that was happening. This was the manner by which the revelation of the immunizations became as basic requirement for the insurance of the two people and creatures. In the previous hundreds of years, we have seen an immense measure of immunizations that have been delivered. Running from chicken poxes to hepatitis. Moreover, there are antibodies being grown today which have an emotional impact in creating nations, for example, jungle fever and meningococcal immunizations. (Wilby et al 2012) (Kristiansen et al 2013). In these creating nations there as a higher pace of ailment which makes the populace experience a more noteworthy loss of human lives. These immunizations have been demonstrated effective due to the adjustments in innovation which has spared a large number of lives. Inoculations are the most significant accomplishment in the twentieth century as indicated by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (Scudder 2013). The advantages of fruitful immunizations are clear, direct insurance as well as effectsly affects the unvaccinated people on account of creatures in gatherings or groups. (Doherty et al 2016) Proven to be securit y in the crowd. The group insusceptibility is a manner by which the immunization benefits past the creature being infused. The roundabout security of the unvaccinated individual is the point at which the infused speculate insusceptibility forestalls the flow of the irresistible ailment into the populaces. (Kim et al 2011) The passing pace of people as well as creatures would have been significantly expanded and this would hugy affect the condition that we live in today. This is a significant revelation in microbiology since this relieved numerous ailments that influenced human wellbeing as well as influenced creature wellbeing. There are numerous immunizations currently delivered today that forestall numerous infections, for example, Chickenpox (Varicella),Diphtheria, Flu (Influenza), Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hib, Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Measles in people and DHPP (antibodies for distemper, adenovirus [hepatitis], parainfluenza, and parvovirus), rabies, Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), Tetanus, Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis, leptospirosis, BVD, Rhinotracheitis and Calicivirus in creatures. These models are just some of numerous antibodies found, to forestall demise. This disclosure as per me is rebelliously a vial revelation to life today. Crafted by both Edward Jenner and Louis Pasteur is significantly known to be truly important work to the wellbeing of people and to help keep up the pathogenic microscopic organisms. References:â Baer G.M,2007, The historical backdrop of rabies A.C. Jackson, W.H. Wunner (Eds.),Rabies, Elsevier, Inc., Oxford pp. 1-22. Doherty M., Buchy P. , Standaert B., Giaquinto C. , Prado-Cohrs D. 2016, Vaccine sway: benefits for human wellbeing Vaccine, 34 pp. 6707-6714 Kim T.H., Johnstone J., Loeb M., 2011, Vaccine crowd impact Scand J Infect Dis, 43 ,pp. 683-689 Kristiansen P.A., Diomandã © F., Ba A.K., Sanou I., Ouã ©draogo A.S., Ouã ©draogo R., Sangarã © L., Kandolo D., Akã © F., Saga I.M., Clark T.A, 2013, Impact of the serogroup A meningococcal conjugate immunization, MenAfriVac, on carriage and crowd resistance Clin. Contaminate. Dis. 56(3) pp 354-363. Madigan T. Micheal , Martinko M. John, Parker Jack, 2003, Pearson training Inc, International release ,tenth version Brock Biology Of Microorganisms pp 540 - 7779 Mc Nally Joseph,2001, The life of Dr Edward Jenner Seminars in Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Vol 12, No 1: pp 81-84 Schneider M.C. , Santos-Burgoa C.,1994, Treatment of human rabies: an outline of its history Rev Saude Publica, 28 , pp. 454-463 Scudder L, 2013, The significance of inoculations The Journal Of Nurse Practitioners,9, pp A7-A8 Smith Kendall, 2011, Edward Jenner and the little pox antibody Front. Immunol pp 1-4 Wilby K.J., Lau T.T., Gilchrist S.E., Ensom M.H. Mosquirix (RTS, S), 2012, a novel antibody for the counteraction of Plasmodium falciparum jungle fever 46(3) pp 384-393. Wu X , T.G. Smith, C.E. Rupprecht,2011, From mind section to cell adjustment: The street of human rabies antibody improvement Expert Rev Vaccines,vol 10 pp. 1597-1608
Friday, August 21, 2020
Bishop Cameron Essays - American Literature,
Diocesan Cameron J. Pauley Green bean Honors, Period 2 December 11, 2017 The Caged One Represents Many By Bishop Cameron Opportunity doesn't mean fairness. Because a slave was as of late liberated from subjection, that doesn't mean the person in question are liberated from prejudice, being truly detained by one is the equivalent, if not more regrettable, than being intellectually detained by all. Also, the individual who was detained by everything was Paul Laurence Dunbar, the creator of the sonnet Compassion. Sympathy was a sonnet that communicated the impact that prejudice has had on Dunbar, and any African-American at that point. The sonnet is about a confined winged creature. The winged animal is speaking to African-Americans, how the bigotry around him causes them to feel detained. Bigotry was so obvious at the hour of this sonnet being distributed the [There are two artistic gadgets that help build up the general subject, title, and the sonnet itself. There are numerous artistic gadgets found in the sonnet. The two scholarly gadgets of persona and illustration will generally make up the whole son net and the general title of Compassion. The title of Compassion was made for the perusers of the sonnet, who were for the most part white, to feel awful for the winged creature, who spoke to the entirety of the African-Americans at that point. Dunbar plainly utilized analogy on the reality of the winged creature speaking to dark individuals. The whole sonnet is an analogy. Dunbar composed this sonnet and spoke to constantly with the winged creature, which he generally knew how it felt. Additionally, in the first and last line of each refrain. Dunbar consistently realized how African-Americans felt and, for this situation, the feathered creature, utilizing I know. I realize what the confined feathered creature feels! (7) I know why the confined winged creature sings (21), and he knows since he is one of the individuals who are being spoken to by the fledgling. The African-Americans at the time are post-servitude, generally in the South too. Also, Dunbar, being a dark individual himself, knows the separation of blacks all ov er. He knows the battle of being dealt with lesser in view of his skin shading. However, that isn't the main spot a representation is seen. In the subsequent verse, the fledgling beats his wing till it's blood is red on the coldblooded bars; (8-9). Also, an agony despite everything throbs in the old, old scars(12). He beat his wing on the bars, however in the twelfth line, he said old scars, as though the fowl done this previously. This could be referencing the battling that African-Americans are looking for the correspondence that they are confronting. How they battle and battle yet with no advancement. What's more, at that point, America was not as almost various as it is today, it was generally blacks and whites, and whites would not be battling for anything at that point. What's more, a white individual would likely not be expounding on the battles of white or dark individuals. Persona in Compassion is evident in the entirety of the refrains and could be portrayed in various manners. The creator kept on utilizing the pronoun I ordinarily all through the sonnet, and he appeared to be sure to the point that he knew how the confined fowl felt. Indeed, even in the main verse, he depicted the scene splendidly, consistently appeared to ...know what the confined fowl feels (1-2), as though he was the confined flying creature, even in the subsequent refrain, clarifying an agony that ...still throbs in the old, old scars (5) And they beat again with a quicker sting-(13), he was the one battling and getting frightened, and still continued battling, he was battling, he was the person who his wing Till it's blood is red on the unfeeling bars; (8-9). Be that as it may, that is not by any means the only spot persona is critical to the topic depicted, in the third verse, the creator clarified a particular demonstration just a couple of people would do, the feathe red creature would sing, yet It's anything but a song of delight or merriment, But a supplication that he sends from his profound heart's center, But a request, that upward to Heaven he flings(18-20), he is asking, this is indicated by the utilization of the word paradise, and it being promoted, similar to it is a spot you
Monday, August 17, 2020
I Climbed a Mountain Today
I Climbed a Mountain Today well, yesterday. Phew, its been long without blogging! During this long hiatus, Ive been back in Taiwan (for 3 weeks!) catching up on sleep, eating many yummy things, and completed a 3000 piece puzzle. (sadly, theres no time for puzzlemaking in MIT usually). Then, I returned to the States, and Ive been happily living at Berkeley, CA, for the last 2 weeks. Im working in Oakland, at an Asian health center there, serving as one of their summer interns. Im really learning a lot (including more and more Cantonese words, haha I have resolved to start learning Cantonese as soon as possible, since this is probably the most useful Asian language to know in the States, due to the amount of Cantonese immigrants). Each day begins with the 8.40 Bart (its like the commuter rail in Boston) ride from Berkeley to Oakland, getting to work at 8.59. During lunch, Im off to explore the countless restaurants, cafes, hole-in-the-walls that dot Oakland Chinatown. After work, its MCAT class for 3 times a week, or napping at UC Berkeleys sunny Memorial Glade (its a grassy elliptical quad in front of one of their libraries and for some reason is located strategically to get maximal sunshine exposure in the afternoon =p). In short, life is good. Couple observations about Bay Area: 1. San Francisco Bay is really pretty. o____o 2. Asian food is so much better here (sorry Boston) 3. Why are strawberries $3.50 per box at Shaws (supermarket next to MIT) and $0.65 here? 4. Fishermans Wharf = tourist heaven, 5. It gets real cold here after the sun sets. 6. 9.75% sales tax sucks!! 7. MUNI is a really cute name for a mass-transit system. 8. I want a car. 9. I do not miss psets or exams. Im soaking up the sun as best as I can. 3 10 If you grew up here, I envy you. =p Yesterday was a super bright, sunny, and clear day, so I decided to head into the city and go up to Twin Peaks (otherwise known as San Franciscos boobies - according to a local, lol). Basically, theyre these dual hills on the southwestern corner of the city, and supposably theres an impressive view of SF and the Bay during the day, and an amazing night view after sunset. On the way there, I also visited MIssion Dolores, which is probably the most underappreciated tourist site in the city. Mission Dolores is the original Spanish mission of San Francisco, and one of 21 California missions. The original church (made out of adobe! its super cool inside since adobe is like natural air-conditioning) is fairly small, though it has a really cool geometric patterned ceiling that was derived from Native American designs. The adjoining basilica is huge, domey, and filled with beautiful mosaics and stain glass windows (theres 21 panes alongside the length of the church, depicting the 21 Spanish missions and the day that they were founded). Theres also a cemetery adjoining the complex, and it really reminded me of the Boston Granary Burial Groundshaha. Anyone know what these flowers are called? Im really curious!! Theyre in full bloom here in Cali (you can see them in many gardens). After about an hour on foot after leaving Mission Dolores, I made it to the main viewing area on the mountain, where theres a big parking lot for your car if you drove up the mountain. The Pink Triangle is preparation for the Pride Parade in the city today its basically this huge pink cloth thats set up against the mountain. You can see Golden Gate from the top. Click here to see the panoramic I took on top of the mountain. Sorry that the right picture is obviously darker than the left, lol -_- After getting down from the mountain, I took the muni back to the center of the city and had great korean bbq before heading back to berkeley. Awesomeness 3 ps. I got a better grade than I thought on Orgo! By some miraculous act of God, I must have done much better than I thought on the final. Like MUCH better. On the other hand, I got, frustratingly, a B+ for 7.02, ironically the class that I was most confident of going into the semester. (MIT grades on absolute letter grades, which means +s and -s have no meaning. thus, +s are the grades that are most frustrating to get at MIT, since it basically signifies that if you just tried a LITTLE bit harder, youll have had a -, and a whole 1.0 increase in GPA for that class. it goes without saying that A- is the best grade to get, since its the same as getting an A+ in terms of GPA, muahahaha =p) So in the end, I guess 5.12 and 7.02 balanced themselves out, after all. Thats MIT for ya. Its a real mixed bag of nuts.
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